Facebook Cover Pages - Product Showcase

Hi there,

Here are the few FB cover Pages for the organisation called "The Celebrity Store" - An online celebrity product merchandising company.These designs mainly focuses on the company products and its branding/advertising.

During the internship period as a graphic designer i used to design the social media digital content for the organisation such as the following. 

Understanding the back history of the products, organisation's views and ideas the content will be created.

Adobe Photoshop software was used for the designs - provided the product images from the company and used the google images for backgrounds etc.

The first cover page gives the list of products - Framed Wall Posters from the famous movies, TV series. The theme of the design was to display of Wall posters in an appealing way to attract the audiences/ users/ FB page followers. So, the design started off with proper vertical alignment of the posters against a textured wall as they are on this black marble surface - reflections included gives the depth of the design.

After all this the design was submitted and was approved for publishing!!!


The following is also a cover page design for Facebook Page. The theme of the design was the display of the iconic stars whose birthdays fall in the same week. As the company is the celebrity merchandising company it generally deals with the celebrity matters/updates & stuff. So, the design started off with alignment of the celebrity images in an appealing way along with tagged names on it and was submitted for approval. After minor changes with tag line got approved for publishing!!!
